How to Zoom For New Users:
Never used Zoom? Here are the basics to get you started.
1. Download Zoom here. If you are using a computer (Windows or MAC), it will be called the Zoom Desktop Client. If you are using a phone or tablet, you will download the Zoom app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.
2. You will then need to set up a Zoom account by signing in either with Facebook, Google or using your email address. You can put what name will show on your screen and put a picture up that will show if you aren’t using video (that will make more sense later). When you join a meeting, you can change your name temporarily if you want.
3. After you register for the Festival events, you will get an email with the link to our Zoom Meeting(s). When it’s time for the event, to join the meeting you click on the link and it should take you directly to the Festival Meeting!
4. You can also join in by opening Zoom on your computer or phone/tablet and typing in the Meeting ID and Password.
Attendee Controls In Zoom:
Here are the things you can control from your end while you are in the Zoom Meeting (aka the festival!):
1. Showing you live on the screen. When you sign in, Zoom will ask you if you want to connect using video. If you say yes, you will be shown on the screen using your phone, tablet or computer’s video. You can stop this at any time using the “Stop Video” button on the bottom of your screen. You can also upload a picture of yourself that will show when you click on “Stop Video.”
2. When you sign in, Zoom will also ask if you want to use device audio – say yes so you can hear the shows!
3. Screen view: You can choose to use Gallery View where you will see all of the people who are at the festival (on several screens since there will be lots of folks there) or you can choose Speaker View, where you will see the person who is talking at the moment in a bigger screen.
Other things you can do:
1. See who else is at the festival with you by clicking on the Participants Button.
2. Mute/Unmute Yourself: This is how you make it so that people can hear you – or not hear you when you want that!
3. “Chat” with other attendees or with the festival committee members by clicking on the Chat button. You can choose to send a chat comment to everyone in the meeting or pick an individual person to send a message too. This is also the function we will use for you to ask one of the performers a question during the Q&A session after each night’s show.
4. Reactions: You can do a thumbs up or clap using by clicking on the reactions button.
Extra Dinner/Hangout Info:
Okay – this part of the Zoom Meeting is what we hope will take the place of us all hanging out talking with old and new friends in the hallway, at the Sistrum Cafe, etc. We will all be in one big Zoom room unless it gets too crowded and then we will have the option to divide folks up into “breakout rooms.” Which will allow us to talk with a small group of people. Hopefully it will be as fun as we’re thinking it’s going to be.
Extra She Said, She Said Trivia Concert Info:
This will also be done in small groups – each team can have up to five devices. When you RSVP you indicate if you would like us to assign you a team or if you have formed one already. Depending on how things go, we may need to reconfirm this once you are logged in!
Extra Evening Performance Info:
For the shows, the festival will make it so we’re all just watching the performer. You can still chat, do reactions, etc. but you won’t be able to talk. After the show, we’ll go back to the normal Zoom set up for the Q & A. Folks can write their question in the chat and then choose to either have the Host ask the question or say they want to ask it themselves. If the latter, the host will ask you to unmute yourself (by clicking the mute/unmute button) and then you can ask your question.